$215.00 – $1,000.00
Sermorelin is a peptide that stimulates the body’s natural growth hormone production, improving endurance, sleep and cognitive function. If you’re looking to optimize physical and mental performance.
10 vials of 2mg sermorelin
According to the Peptide guide, Sermorelin is a synthetically made version of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), the endogenous hormone responsible for stimulating natural growth hormone production. Also known as growth hormone releasing factor and GRF 1-29, it is categorized as a growth hormone secretagogue, a compound which stimulates increased secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.
Like the body’s natural GHRH, Sermorelin works by binding to the growth hormone releasing hormone receptor (or GHRHr) in the anterior part of the pituitary gland. There, it works to stimulate greater production of GH, consequently provoking increases in production of endogenous IGF-1 as well. As it exerts its effects in an identical manner to GHRH, Sermorelin’s positive effect on GH output is modulated by a negative feedback mechanism initiated by somatostatin, the endogenous hormone also known as growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH). This has several positive effects, two of which are the prevention of extreme, unhealthy GH levels in the body and the mirroring of more natural patterns of fluctuation in GH concentrations.
Additionally, its natural action mechanism allows for the preservation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-somatotropic axis, preventing the shutdown of hormone production that typically accompanies direct replacement with hGH. Further, Sermorelin has also been shown to improve sleep quality, enhancing the duration of restorative slow wave sleep and amplifying sleep-related secretion of growth hormone while reducing production of cortisol (a catabolic stress hormone).
Sermorelin stimulates improved natural growth hormone production, resulting:
Enhanced growth hormone (GH) levels also stimulate greater production of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) in the body, further driving improvements in lean body composition with accelerated growth of muscle tissue and reduced body fat. Importantly, as Sermorelin stimulates the body’s natural growth hormone output, none of the negative side effects often associated with synthetic hGH administration typically occur, including shutdown of natural growth hormone production, acromegaly, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Suboptimal levels of growth hormone in the body can devastate an individual’s athletic performance, functional capacity, and overall quality of life. Certainly, growth hormone is a crucial component in numerous physiological processes, with substantial influence in the facilitation of strength, energy, flexibility, vitality, and overall well-being. With low growth hormone levels often comes a loss of muscle mass and strength, weaker bones, reduced exercise capacity, increased body fat, decreased stamina, poor recovery, and unrestorative sleep. Indeed, aging-related decline in growth hormone levels is responsible for many of the debilitating effects commonly experienced when getting older.
To increase growth hormone levels, Sermorelin stimulates the pituitary gland to produce greater amounts of natural GH. Critically, Sermorelin stimulates natural, endogenous production and is not simply synthetic hGH, a fact which offers several important advantages. First, overdoses are virtually impossible, as its effects are mediated with negative feedback by the body’s own regulatory mechanisms. As a result, GH production is unable to reach dangerously high levels, and many of the previously mentioned negative side effects of synthetic hGH administration are avoided. Second, the body’s own production of growth hormone is enhanced rather than shut down (as occurs with administration of exogenous hGH). Therefore, there is no risk of a hormonal crash upon cessation of Sermorelin administration. Third, there is also no likelihood of a diminishing response to administration as there is with hGH. This is due to Sermorelin’s promotion of enhanced yet natural levels of growth hormone in the body. When administered, synthetic hGH causes growth hormone levels to spike and remain unnaturally constant, which can cause its effectiveness to diminish rapidly over time as the body becomes desensitized to its effects. In maintaining blood levels that more closely resemble the body’s natural fluctuations, Sermorelin remains consistently effective at a given dose.
Amount per administration: 200 to 1000mcg (0.25 to 1mg)
Administration frequency: 1 to 3 times daily
Sermorelin dosages commonly range from 200mcg (0.2mg) to 1000mcg (1mg) given 1 to 3 times daily. Generally, the peptide is either administered once daily before bed or split into 2 – 3 smaller doses spread throughout the day. Both approaches to administration can be effective and have been shown to elicit positive results in clinical studies.
Although Sermorelin has a relatively short half-life of 10 – 20 minutes, the peptide has been shown to stimulate an acute release of GH for 2 hours after administration. As a result, protocols delivering 3 daily doses of as little as 100mcg (0.1mg) per administration have been shown to cause a significant increase in GH and IGF-1 secretion. This type of protocol will commonly result in a more consistent GH level on a daily basis.
Still, protocols requiring once daily administration prior to bed are also highly effective as well as manifestly more convenient for the individual. Clinical studies have shown administration once daily before bed to induce a substantial increase in 12 hour nocturnal GH production as well as an overall increase in GH and IGF-1 levels. With this type of once-daily protocol, recommended individual dosages are commonly 10mcg (0.1mg) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. For example, a 180 pound man would require approximately 810mcg (0.81mg) once daily. Further, studies have shown that maximal GH release is typically attained with a dosage of 10mcg/kilogram to a maximum of 20mcg/kilogram per day, with higher doses having diminished effectiveness.
$190.00 – $800.00
$250.00 – $2,100.00
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