$119.00 Original price was: $119.00.$99.00Current price is: $99.00.
Dose recommend : 50mg to 100mg per day
MK 677, also known as Nutrobal or Ibutamoren, is a powerful growth hormone secretagogue that increases levels of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body.
It was originally created to treat muscle wasting disorders such as osteoporosis. When clinical trials began, researchers noticed that it drastically increases the amount of IGF-1 and HGH in humans.
As you may know, increased HGH and IGF-1 levels provide a whole host of benefits in athletic performance. In this article we will go through everything you need to know about MK 677, including benefits, side effects, dosages, before and after pictures, where to buy, and also an FAQ.
With all that being said, let’s jump right into it!
Why do athletes and bodybuilders use MK 677?
Here are some of the most notable benefits of using MK 677 in your performance enhancing stack:
Nutrobal has been shown to decrease the amount of muscle lost during a cut. In this study, participants were given 25mg of MK-677 per day. By the end of one week, those taking the ibutamoren increased their levels of IGF-1 and HGH by a whopping 60%. The researchers also found that those taking the drug had a better level of nitrogen balance than those who didn’t take it. The conclusion of the study proves it to be useful for treating humans who are in a catabolic state.
Elevated levels of insulin like growth factor (IGF-1) and growth hormone lead to higher levels of fat loss (source). The same study we referenced above shows that at the end of 14 days, those taking MK677 lost a significantly more amount of fat than the control group. Athletes who take this compound will experience a faster rate of fat loss than normal.
It’s no secret that bodybuilders use HGH to gain insane amounts of muscle mass before they do a show. MK 677 is no different in this regard. By taking it, your body’s levels of HGH will be sky high, and you will pack on muscle faster than you could imagine.
For those looking for an alternative to HGH replacement therapy, Ibutamoren shows promising results. Taking it before growth plates close will allow for increased height growth in males. This is an expected result, since MK 677 allows the body to product much more HGH than it normally would.
One of my favorite parts of using MK 677 is that it does not need to be cycled off and on. It does not suppress your body’s natural testosterone production and therefore it is not uncommon for people to never cycle off of this compound. There are a lot of accounts of people on the internet who run it for 6 months to a year at a time and have had no adverse side effects.
Personally, I stick to 8 to 12 weeks on, 4 weeks off. This rhythm works well with my body and training style and as of August 2020 I haven’t experienced any negative effects of utilizing this cycling frequency.
By drastically elevating the amount of IGF-1 and HGH in your body, you will not need to take nearly as many rest days as you would naturally. In fact, many people who start using ibutamoren start training twice a day to take advantage of this benefit.
One of the most important thing for anyone who is trying to gain muscle or lose fat is proper sleep. In fact, this study shows that not getting enough sleep can actually curb your weight loss and prevent you from achieving results. MK 677 helps your body reach a deeper sleep. While it does not make you fall asleep like a sleep aid will, it does make your sleep deeper and more resting.
Last but not least, many people who take MK-677 report that their skin appears to glow, and their hair and nails seem healthier. This is because MK 677 increases collagen in the body which will help you look more youthful than normal. Many famous people have admitted to doing HGH to remain youthful – this compound allows you to get the same results.
Are there side effects of using MK 677?
Unlike steroids and other illegal anabolics, there are not very many side effects associated with MK 677 use. There are, however, some changes that can happen to your body due to elevated GH levels. These changes can be easily reversed by stopping usage. Here are some of the side effects of MK677:
When your body has high levels of HGH flowing through it, water retention can be a common reaction. The good news is that a lot of this water is held inside the muscles, similar to what creatine does. This is one of the ways that HGH can increase strength in athletes. With that being said, some water can be stored under the skin and therefore give a bloated appearance. We typically do not see water retention or bloating at doses of 25mg a day, so try to keep your dosage around that level.
You can also reduce bloating by taking a diuretic such as dandelion root extract.
While this is great for those who are on their winter bulk cycle, those who are trying to take advantage of MK 677’s anti catabolic effect might find this side effect annoying. There’s no way to deny it: ibutamoren will make you hungry. Luckily, this effect is temporary and typically curbs by itself in around 2 weeks. Because of this, we suggest starting your cycle 2 weeks before you start dieting in order to get the hunger out of the way first.
If you start to feel “pins and needles” in your hands and feet, do not panic. This is not a dangerous side effect, and a quick google search will show you this is a common side effect of growth hormone. While nobody knows why this happens, doctors agree that it’s not dangerous and has nothing to do with damaged nerves.
Whether or not MK 677 causes anxiety is currently up for debate, however the majority of experts (including myself) agree that pharmacologically it should NOT cause anxiety.
There are not any studies (as of August 2020) that list anxiety as a side effect, and reports of it on the internet are few and far between. It is much more likely that anxiety experienced on cycle is entirely situational.
In my own personal experience, my anxiety goes down while taking MK 677. The improvement in sleep quality and appetite seem to directly impact my mental health in a positive way. I’ve heard many others share the same.
What are the main differences between MK 677 and HGH?
The main differences between MK 677 vs HGH are:
HGH needs to be injected under the skin (but not into your vein), while nutrobal is taken orally. For many people, this is a deciding factor when deciding which route to go. Most everyone will prefer the ease of using an oral solution rather than injecting.
MK 677 needs to be taken orally once per day. HGH requires injections, and you need to inject frequently. In fact, many bodybuilders inject HGH up to 5 times per day! You can read my article about whether dosing MK 677 morning vs night makes a difference.
Before you commit to jumping on the ibutamoren train, you should know what to expect. By being aware of the changes that will happen to your body, you’ll know right away that you’re taking the right compound and you’ll have better body awareness. You can expect the following results from using MK 677:
Let’s go even deeper and tell you what to expect depending on what type of cycle you are running:
Those who use MK 677 for bulking can easily expect to gain 10lbs over an eight week cycle. Some of this weight will be water. You can also expect to gain a decent amount of strength while on cycle as well. Most people have zero side effects, but you might notice some increased hunger and water retention.
We encourage you to follow a high protein diet, and do not be afraid of carbs (especially post workout). This will allow your Nutrobal to shine and give you the results that you want.
Those who are using ibutamoren for a cut will see a very high level of muscle retention while losing fat. Fat will be lost at an accelerated rate, and a lot of people actually gain a few pounds of muscle along the way. Do not expect to gain a lot of muscle on a cut, but you can be sure that your strength will not decrease as well.
Cutting cycles should be accompanied with a very high protein diet. We suggest cutting simple carbohydrates such as white bread and sugar from your diet to help lean you out.
Finding pure MK 677 for sale can be difficult if you don’t know where you should be looking.
One thing we’ve found is that it is faked a lot more than some of the other SARMs and research chemicals. We believe that is because it is more expensive to manufacture than other compounds.
Depending on where you look, people will recommend a dose of anywhere from 10mg to 100mg a day. Luckily, we have this study which actually compares HGH levels between doses.
What you see with the data is that there is a huge diminishing return with the higher doses. Once you go past 25mg per day, the amount of HGH and IGF-1 that enter the bloodstream gets lower and lower.
For that reason, the best dosage of MK 677 is 25mg per day. At this dose, you will get all the benefits without putting yourself at risk for water retention and bloating side effects.
The half life of MK 677 is around 24 hours. You can dose once per day if you like, or you can split doses between morning and night. I prefer dosing twice a day (about 12 hours apart if possible) in order to spread out the concentrations evenly over each day. The less your levels are peaking, the better.
There are a lot of different forms you can purchase ibutamoren in, but which one is best? I’m a big fan of liquids for a few reasons.
First of all, you get the most flexibility with how you dose. You can easily split doses between AM and PM with no issues, or even split it into three and take one dose pre workout. You can not do that with capsules, pills, or powders.
Another reason why we like liquids are because they tend to be more accurate. Getting 10mg of powder exactly into a capsule or pill is extremely difficult if you don’t have the right machines (which most labs don’t invest in). Liquids are much more reliable in terms of accuracy.
How to use MK 677 during PCT to keep your gains from other cycles
One of the best ways to use this compound is to include it with your Post Cycle Therapy protocol. Since it is not suppressive in any way, you can use it to help retain strength after a cycle of SARMs.
Another option is to combine it with low dose ostarine. I only recommend this if you’re coming off a heavy duty steroid cycle and are at risk of losing a lot of muscle. By using this combo, you’ll be able to keep a lot more of your gains than you would be able to naturally.
Typical PCT stacks usually contain either Clomid or Nolvadex. These SERMs are great at stimulating natural testosterone levels, but will also lower your IGF-1 production. Adding in a growth hormone secretagogue such as this one will counter act some of those negative effects.
Increasing your IGF-1 and HGH levels after a cycle is key to keeping gains, so ibutamoren will help you keep your results and prevent gaining of fat off cycle.
FAQ and final thoughts
Assuming you bought a liquid solution, simply measure out the correct amount and then squirt into your mouth. Swallow and rinse with water or any other beverage.
Serum HGH and IGF-1 levels increase rapidly once you begin your cycle. Peak levels are achieved after around 30 days depending on your body composition. Most people notice a better nights sleep immediately along with increased strength and recovery becoming apparent after the first week.
Yes it is. Because MK 677 lacks any sort of androgenic effect, women can take it without issues. There is no vitalization potential in any way.
Absolutely not. Like we mentioned above, this compound is not androgenic in any way. It will not affect levels of testosterone, estrogen, or DHT, therefore gynecomastia is not a concern with this compound.
In conclusion, MK 677 proves to be a useful tool for anyone who wants to increase their HGH and IGF-1 levels. I have a feeling that this compound is going to have a big impact on people who can not afford to use prescription grade HGH, especially those with growth hormone deficiencies.
$119.00 Original price was: $119.00.$99.00Current price is: $99.00.
$90.00 Original price was: $90.00.$80.00Current price is: $80.00.
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