$69.00 Original price was: $69.00.$55.00Current price is: $55.00.
Testosterone Propionate is a single ester testosterone compound and represents one of the most important testosterone compounds every manufactured. When synthetic testosterone was first created it was in its pure form. Simply put there was no ester attached, thereby providing a fast-acting compound that would necessarily require a very frequent administration schedule. In 1937 the pharmaceutical giant Schering out of Germany would release the first ester base testosterone in Testosterone Propionate under the trade name Testoviron. The same trade name it would eventually give to its Testosterone Enanthate product. By attaching the Propionate ester to the hormone, this would allow for the hormone’s release time to be controlled and provided a more efficient means in maintaining stable blood levels. Although this was not the first synthetic testosterone preparation created, Testosterone Propionate would become the first commercially available testosterone product. It would also dominate the medical community until the 1960’s and much of the newly born performance enhancing community.
During the 1960’s Testosterone Propionate would lose a lot of its popularity in favor of the larger ester base Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate compounds. However, it is still used medicinally today as well as by many performance athletes. You will find more of it among the latter group than anywhere else. Many performance enhancing athletes actually believe the Propionate form will lead to less water retention than the dominating large ester forms of Testosterone. For this reason, it is often the preferred form of testosterone during cutting cycles. While this is the common belief it is also a misconception. Regardless of the testosterone form the hormone does not become active in the body until the ester detaches and then the hormone is released. Regardless of the ester originally attached to the hormone you still have the same testosterone hormone in the body once the ester is removed. So where does this myth come from? Common sense tells us that when running a cutting cycle the individual will consume a calorie restricted diet, one that is often healthier and with less of an abundance in carbohydrates. As a result the individual will hold less water. Then we have the fact that many often use less testosterone when dieting and if your total dose is less than an off-season dose there’s less active hormone available to promote water retention. All in all, you can receive the same benefits with Testosterone Propionate as all testosterone forms. However, an advantage of Testosterone Propionate is that it can be easier to maintain stable and peaked blood levels of the hormone due to the very frequent injection protocol compared to large ester bases.
Outside of performance enhancement, Testosterone Propionate has found a number of therapeutic uses. However, like all testosterone forms the treatment of male androgen deficiency such as low testosterone has always been the most common point of use. Testosterone Propionate has, however, also found other points of interesting use over the years in treating menopausal issues, chronic cystic mastitis, excessive lactation and endometriosis. This was for a decent amount of time the most commonly used testosterone for female medical treatment, but it has largely been removed from U.S. FDA approval in female patients. It is still approved for male use in the U.S. but it will be found in medicinal circles more commonly in other parts of the world. However, Cypionate and Enanthate remain the dominate forms worldwide leaving Propionate to be primarily use in performance circles.
For the low testosterone patient, if you supplement with Testosterone Propionate you will suffer no more. This is the primary effect of Testosterone in this regard. Levels were low and now they’re not. Then we have the performance enhancing athlete, and as a versatile anabolic steroid the effects of Testosterone Propionate will cover a wide breadth in this category.
For the off-season athlete there is no anabolic steroid more important or beneficial than testosterone. High levels of testosterone will promote significant increases in lean muscle mass and strength. This is assuming that the individual is consuming adequate calories. Compounds like Testosterone Propionate are not magical, you will still need to feed your body enough calories. During an off-season period of growth, this means total caloric intake will need to be slightly above maintenance. This will, unfortunately, promote body fat gain. However, the key to a successful off-season is gaining lean tissue while minimizing body fat gain to the fullest extent possible. By supplementing with Testosterone Propionate you will be able to achieve this more efficiently. High testosterone levels will promote a stronger metabolic rate. This is not a license to eat like there’s no end in sight, but you should be able to make better use of your calories.
Then we have the cutting phase, and Testosterone Propionate can be invaluable here. In order to lose body fat we must burn more calories than we consume. You can follow the healthiest diet in the world and exercise yourself into the ground but if you are not in a caloric deficit you will not lose body fat. Unfortunately, this necessary caloric deficit puts our lean muscle tissue at risk, especially as we become leaner. The human body does not want to lose body fat due to its survival instinct. As energy demands increase during dieting the body will take what it needs from wherever it wants, and this is often from your muscle tissue. The key to successful dieting is not only losing fat but minimizing muscle tissue low. High testosterone levels will enable you to achieve this efficiently. Without an anabolic protectant like Testosterone Propionate, some lean muscle tissue loss will occur, this is a given. Due to the metabolic enhancement provided by high testosterone levels, the individual will also burn fat at a more efficient rate.
Regardless of your purpose of use, all who supplement with Testosterone Propionate will find their muscular endurance is greatly enhanced. You will not tire out as fast. You will also find your overall rate of recovery is greatly improved, and it is through recovery that progress is made. This makes Testosterone Propionate an excellent steroid for athletes who may not have any bulking or cutting in mind. The increases in endurance and recovery along with improved strength will simply lead to more effective athletic performance.
For low testosterone treatment standard Testosterone Propionate doses will normally fall in the 25-50mg per injection range and are normally given 2-3 times per week. However, keep in mind in the modern age it is rarely used when compounds like Cypionate or Enanthate are available.
For performance enhancing athletes, 25-50mg every other day is generally a solid dose of Testosterone Propionate to combat suppression caused by the use of other anabolic steroids. For a true anabolic benefit, doses will normally fall in the 100mg every other day range. This is a very safe dose, easy to control and should be well-tolerated by most adult men. Higher doses can be used, most men can tolerate 150mg every other day very well. Many men will be able to tolerate 200mg every other day with relative ease. However, always keep in mind that the higher the dose the greater the probability of adverse effects. Higher doses will require more caution and effort in controlling side effects but it is more than possible to control them.
Testosterone Propionate will stack well with any and all anabolic steroids. Off-season bulking plans will often include compounds like Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), Anadrol (Oxymetholone) or Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). During the cutting phase, you will find Test-P as it’s often known stacks well with Anavar (Oxandrolone), Masteron (Drostanolone), Primobolan (Methenolone), Trenbolone and Winstrol (Stanozolol). The Trenbolone hormone can also be very beneficial during periods of off-season growth.
$99.00 Original price was: $99.00.$80.00Current price is: $80.00.
$109.00 Original price was: $109.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.
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